I guess I should start this off by introducing myself.

My name’s Bastien and I’m a 22 year old German, currently located in the deepest west of Germany, just about 50kms from the Dutch border. I’ve been into cars my whole life. I guess it’s in my blood, as my dad is a car guy too – although he’s toned it down in the last few years. And I guess my obsession with cars that are tief & breit started with my dad too, as my childhood is filled with fond memories of riding around in his cars which were always modified with suspension and wheels.Thank you dad, for making me love cars, lol!

Due to how near I live to the Dutch border, I often visit car shows in the Netherlands and Belgium. Those guys got some great style going on.

My current car is a ’97 BMW 323i Touring, but more on that later. I’m currently on my third car, with my previous two having been a ’94 BMW 320i sedan and a ’92 VW Golf Mk3.

Also, cars are not my only passion. A few years ago I took up photography, originally just to take some pictures of my car for various message boards, but it’s evolved to the point where I’ve gotten decent with a camera, if I may say so. Expect to see lots of my photography if you continue to read this blog!

Keep in mind, I have never done this before – writing a blog, I mean – so bear with me, if my writing is a bit boring at times! It’ll get better, I promise!

I think that’s it for now. Stay tuned!



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